A farewell to the Leopard 1 main battle tank

A farewell to the Leopard 1 main battle tank

By Captain Scott Franklin, office of the Director Land Requirements   Gatineau, Quebec — Royal Canadian Armour Corps (RCAC) members who had the privilege of working with Leopard 1 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) are saying farewell to the venerable workhorses, whose...

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Small Arms: The painstaking process of procuring new weaponry

Small Arms: The painstaking process of procuring new weaponry

by Ken Pole   Small arms remain the sharp end of ground operations, especially in areas of closely-packed urban combat that have become the norm in many conflicts. So it’s fair to say that the more modern the weapon, the better. It’s a concept the Canadian Armed...

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Critical gap: Defending the threat from above

Critical gap: Defending the threat from above

by Chris Thatcher   Project managers learn early never to read too much into policy pronouncements. But when your unfunded project is the first among many listed in the government’s new defence policy, you have reason to be optimistic money may soon be coming....

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Modernizing the Army’s communications backbone

Modernizing the Army’s communications backbone

by Ian Coutts   Henry V had it easy. When the hero of Shakespeare’s play of the same name wanted to communicate with his troops, he gathered them around him. When faced with an objective in the heat of battle, all he needed to do was to point and yell, “Once more...

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Defining the TAPV

Defining the TAPV

by Chris Thatcher For most Canadians, the first glimpse of the Army's new tactical armoured patrol vehicle (TAPV) was on the streets of Quebec as it waded through meter-high water, patrolling flooded neighborhoods in Gatineau, Montreal, and Trois-Rivières, ferrying...

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A day in the Army: Learning lessons for business

A day in the Army: Learning lessons for business

https://youtu.be/ZtHuPgMG4wU Kevin Ford admits he wasn’t sure what he was getting into when he agreed to join the soldiers of the Canadian Army’s 4th Division for a day on the training range of Canadian Force Base Petawawa. Despite 10 hours in full combat rig, in...

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Caraquet soldier shares four decades of experience

Caraquet soldier shares four decades of experience

by Major L. Angell Master Warrant Officer Roch Lanteigne, born and raised in Caraquet, N.B., is a member of the North Shore NB Regiment and one of 14 Canadian soldiers in Dȩba, Poland supporting a multinational army training event, 5-16 November, 2017. With 42 years...

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Countering threats with HEL

Countering threats with HEL

by Allan Joyner   Mention military lasers and the first quip is often about sharks with head-mounted laser beams. Fans of the Austin Powers movies will recall that, were it not for bureaucratic red tape, Dr. Evil might have got his armed sharks on the first try...

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