by Editor | Aug 1, 2019 | News, Procurement
by Ken Pole The terms “leading edge” and “outside the box” tend to be overused when discussing evolving technologies, but they’re truly applicable to the Canadian Forces Land Electronic Warfare Modernization (CFLEWM), a project that envisages improved...
by Editor | Jul 22, 2019 | News, Training System
by Ian Coutts “We’re up in the air and we’re flyin’ around.” Forty attentive faces focus on Sergeant Brandon James. “Get ready, stand up…” As one, the soldiers rise from the benches, and pointing one hand stiffly, almost theatrically, off to their side and then...
by Editor | Jul 9, 2019 | C4ISR, News, Procurement
By Chris Thatcher Imagine buying your home wireless network and your cellphone by taking four to eight years to analyze your options and define your requirements and a year or more to purchase and install the system, all with the intent of operating it for the...
by Editor | Jul 8, 2019 | Leadership, News
By Captain Nicholas Kaempffer There is always great pride and celebration when there is a change of command parade at The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School (RCAS), but on June 21, 2019 when the RCAS’s first woman commandant took command, a new page of...
by Editor | Jul 4, 2019 | Leadership, News
By Steven Fouchard, Army Public Affairs Since first stepping into the role two years ago, Honorary Colonel of the Canadian Army (CA) Paul Hindo has visited with soldiers on overseas deployments on several occasions. The locations – including Ukraine and Latvia...
by Editor | Jun 27, 2019 | News, Procurement
By Ian Coutts There is a classic cartoon by Bing Coughlin from the Canadian Army’s old Maple Leaf newspaper featuring Herbie, his archetypal Canadian soldier of the Second World War. In it, Herbie, cowering with his pals in a crude shelter in the midst of a...