Validation of the light battalion

Validation of the light battalion

by Chris Thatcher   The training area of the Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center (JPMRC) is nothing new to Canadian light infantry. Units have for years been training alongside American partners in Fort Wainwright, Alaska. As recently as last April, a...
Brigade strength

Brigade strength

by Chris Thatcher   There’s a fine art to force generating a multinational battle group. Partner nations are often occupied with their own national priorities and grappling with the limitations of their defence budgets, so building combat capability requires some...
Strength and perseverance, forged on Mount Everest

Strength and perseverance, forged on Mount Everest

by Lt(N) Sean Costello   We recently checked in with a number of former Royal Canadian Army Cadets, who became connected during an experience of a lifetime some 10 years ago. In October 2010, 14 senior cadets set off on an Army Cadet International Expedition,...