Arctic vehicle on track for RFP by 2026

Arctic vehicle on track for RFP by 2026

by Ian Coutts   When Canadian Army Today last checked in on the Domestic Arctic Mobility Enhancement (DAME) project in 2021, we likened it to a muskox. That implacable Arctic beast that, whatever the conditions, keeps plodding forward seemed a good stand-in for a...
Taking back the night for tactical advantage

Taking back the night for tactical advantage

by Ken Pole   In its June 2017 defence policy, the federal government used the word “vision” a lot but mostly in a generic contemplative way. However, tucked away on page 36 was a commitment to recapitalizing an outstanding requirement for new “soldier night...
Detecting and defeating IEDs

Detecting and defeating IEDs

by Ken Pole   Of the 159 Canadians who died during this country’s decade-long combat mission in Afghanistan, the majority were victims of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Hundreds more were wounded or otherwise traumatized. Major Pete DesRoches, a combat...